.NET/Unity - General Improvements


What's Changed

  • ThirdwebManager inspector is a little more interactive now.
  • Improved default redirect page visuals when logging in with OAuth from desktop platforms.
    • Added option to override said html with your own.
  • Option to bypass WalletConnect context checks by @BoysheO in https://github.com/thirdweb-dev/unity-sdk/pull/216
    • You now have the option to bypass WalletConnect Unity default synchronization context check as needed by setting
      AppContext.SetSwitch("IsSkipWalletConnectSyncCtxCheck", true);
  • ThirdwebClient.Create no longer takes in raw headers, now only takes in general sdk information optionally. This should not affect most users.
    • Improved http client cloning when needed in external modules.
    • Added CrossPlatformUnityHttpClient class which encompasses default .NET and WebGL ones.


.NET Release | NuGet

Unity Release


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