Adds farcaster signer for the given account.
import { addSigner } from "thirdweb/extensions/farcaster";import { sendTransaction } from "thirdweb"; const transaction = addSigner({ client, appAccount, signerPublicKey,}); await sendTransaction({ transaction, account });
function addSigner( options: AddSignerParams,): PreparedTransaction<[], AbiFunction, PrepareTransactionOptions>;
The options for adding the signer.
let options: Prettify< { chain?: Chain; client: ThirdwebClient; disableCache?: boolean; signerPublicKey: Hex; } & ( | { appAccount: Account } | { appAccountAddress: Address; deadline: bigint; signedKeyRequestMetadata: Hex; } )>;
let returnType: PreparedTransaction< [], AbiFunction, PrepareTransactionOptions>;
A prepared transaction object to add the signer to the account.